Hi everyone, Tyler here! Now that we have moved into Soft Launch and are starting to see people pop in. As it stands, Mount Coronet has been a solo operation during its development, with a few people offering feedback on content as it came out. However, given the nature of the site and the fact that I am anticipating some real growth, me being the only staff member is not viable in the long term.
So! I am coming to the community for help. In short, I am looking to recruit a handful of staff members to help me with the following:
-Generate Pokemon
-Distribute Rewards for completed threads
-Approve shop transactions
-Approve characters
-Help run site events, be they casual or plot heavy.
-Moderate the Discord chat.
-And more!
So, if you'd like to help out, please fill out the following form and send it to me via site PM at
Tyler or send it to me via Discord! I would like to note that no previous staffing experience is required, so please, feel free to reach out if you want to help!
OOC Name:
Previous Staffing Experience:
Time Zone:
Favorite Pokemon: